
Veneer Teeth

A thin shell-like structure made up of porcelain or composite resin. The thickness of it is about 0.5mm. It is recommended for minor tooth shape corrections. It is designed to cover the front surface of the teeth to hide damaged or stained teeth.

Customized according to the shape, size and colour of your teeth. The tooth is reduced and prepared to receive veneers. It cosmetically improves your smile and is difficult to notice with the naked eye.

Veneers are classified according to the material used:

  • 1.Porcelain
  • 2.Composite

Types of veneers:

Porcelain veneer:

Porcelain is a type of ceramic material. It is commonly used to make caps and bridges of the teeth. It is similar to tooth colour and gives a natural look to the teeth. It does not cause any irritation to the gums and other soft tissues in the mouth.

Porcelain veneers are bonded to the front surface of the tooth with the help of special glues or adhesives. It does not stain easily and is resistant to fracture.

Being natural-looking and sturdy makes porcelain veneers popular.

Direct composite veneers:

Composite is a restorative resin used to hide or replace damaged parts of the tooth. It resembles tooth-colour.

The material is directly applied to the tooth surface using the direct composite veneer technique. It is perfectly shaped according to the tooth's shape and size and then cured with a special light. Curing helps harden the material to form a veneer.

Direct veneers can effectively tackle problems like chipped teeth, gapped and discoloured teeth. It is strong and gives an excellent cosmetic transformation to your smile.

Indirect Composite Veneers:

It differs from direct composite as it is made in labs and given to you. It is more precise and sturdier than the latter one.

The impression of your front teeth is taken and then sent to a laboratory, where the veneers are accurately designed.

It has better mechanical properties, i.e., it is wear-resistant and won't fracture easily.

Partial Veneer or Palatal Veneer:

As the name suggests, partial veneers are bonded on the backside of the teeth. It discreetly enforces the damaged teeth. It is commonly given to people who have eroded teeth due to various health problems.

If you are looking to reinforce your weakened teeth and prevent them from future damage, then partial veneers are a good solution.

Lumineer/ thineers/ ultra-thin veneer/ minimal prep or no-prep veneers:

Lumineers are the thinnest variety of ceramic veneers. Its thickness is approximately 0.3mm. Hence, it is also called ultra-thin veneers. It does not require any tooth preparation, so the natural tooth structure is preserved. It can be a great option to cosmetically improve your teeth without trimming it.

You can remove them without causing any damage to the teeth.

Who needs Veneers?

Veneers can beautifully change your ordinary teeth into a stunning smile. However, a little tooth structure is scrapped to accommodate it.

Here are a few conditions that veneers can address effectively:

  • Conical-shaped teeth.

  • The gap between the teeth.

  • Teeth that can't be bleached or whitened.

  • Teeth staining due to medication. Medicines such as tetracycline stain the teeth, which are difficult to whiten.

  • A chipped or cracked tooth or hairline fracture of the tooth.

  • Loss of teeth structure in case of teeth grinding (bruxism), tooth surface erosion.

  • Mild irregularly arranged teeth can be corrected with porcelain veneers.

Lumident Veneers:

Lumident is a removable veneer set. It is customized according to your teeth.


In this, an impression of your teeth is taken. Accordingly, the veneer set is prepared. It is thinner than traditional veneers.

It is also called a snap-on. Lumident veneers instantly improve your smile but have inferior mechanical strength as compared to porcelain and composite veneers.

Lumident veneers are usually not recommended by the dentist because they are not durable and are not worth investing in.

Teeth veneers cost in India

The cost of the veneers depends upon the following factors:

1) Number of teeth: The more the teeth involved, the greater the number of veneers needed.

2) Material of veneer: Porcelain veneers cost more than composite veneers.

3) Clinic's location: Clinics located in metro cities and posh areas may charge more than other clinics located in remote areas.

Teeth Veneer cost in India ranges from Rs 1000/- to Rs 25,000/- per tooth.

Porcelain tooth ranges from Rs7000/- to Rs25,000/- per tooth.

Direct Composite ranges from Rs1000/- to Rs 5000/- per tooth.

Indirect composite ranges from Rs 2000/- to Rs 7000/- per tooth.

Lumident Veneers ranges from Rs 8000/- to Rs 12,000/- per tooth.

How do veneers differ from dental crowns or caps?

Tooth reduction in dental crowns is higher than that of veneer.

Dental Veneers Dental Crowns
1) It is bonded to either the front surface of the teeth. It covers all the surfaces of the teeth, like a cap.
2) The thickness of veneers is approximately 0.5 mm to 0.9 mm. It is very thin as compared to dental crowns. The thickness of dental crowns is approximately 2 mm.
3) Provides reasonable strength to the tooth and aesthetically improves the teeth's look. It provides excellent strength to the tooth and is aesthetically appealing.

Veneers Before and After

teeth veneers before and after result


The veneers are the most convenient and quicker option to transform your smile aesthetically. The significant advantage of it is that minimal trimming of the tooth is required. Within two sittings, you can achieve your dream smile. Correcting tooth imperfections can instil confidence and radiance that shines in every photograph.