
Teeth Braces

What are teeth braces and their function?

Teeth Braces are devices used to straighten and align your crooked teeth, improve your bite, and improve your oral health. Teeth braces include brackets, wires, and bands.

Teeth braces put gentle and consistent pressure on your teeth, moving them into the required position step by step. Braces help straighten your teeth, close gaps, and correct misalignments to improve the appearance and function of the teeth in this process.

The importance of your dental braces lies in their ability to correct dental issues such as crooked teeth, overcrowding, misalignment, and bite problems. Braces improve your smile and give you better oral health, making it easier to clean teeth, prevent decay, and avoid future oral health problems.

The importance of dental braces for achieving a perfect smile.

Braces can have a positive influence on your confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being by providing you with a straighter, healthier smile. It's important to consult with your dentist to know the suitable type of braces based on your needs and goals.

What to expect while getting teeth braces?

  • You'll visit your dentist to assess your teeth and the position of your jaw.
  • X-rays, intra and extra-oral pictures, scans, and impressions of your teeth may be taken by your dentist to make a treatment plan.
  • After you decide to proceed with teeth braces, the dentist will connect the brackets to your teeth using a compatible material.
  • Wires are placed through the brackets and attached with elastic bands.
  • Adjustments will be made every 4 to 6 weeks by your dentist to tighten the wires, slowly moving your teeth into the desired position.
  • Scheduled check-ups with your dentist are important to observe progress and to make any needed changes for successful treatment. The length of time you'll need to wear braces differs depending on your case.
  • After treatment, your dentist may give you retainers to maintain the new position of your teeth.

Types of teeth braces you can choose from

    1. Metal Braces:

  • The traditional braces are made of metal brackets and wires. They are long-lasting and useful for various dental issues.
    Pros: Durable, effective for complex cases.
    Cons: Visible, possible discomfort.
    They are known for their strength and effectiveness, specifically in complex crooked teeth cases. However, they are seen, which may be a problem for some people, and they can cause you discomfort at the start.
  • 2. Ceramic Braces:

  • These braces are less visible than metal braces as they blend in with your teeth. They are a popular choice for those looking for a more subtle option.
    Pros: Less seen and effective.
    Cons: More costly than metal, can stain.
    With brackets that blend in with the natural tooth colour, ceramic braces are less evident than metal braces while still being effective in straightening your crooked teeth. Despite their appearance appeal, ceramic braces tend to be more expensive than metal braces and may have the possibility to stain if you fail to maintain them.
  • 3. Clear Braces:

  • These clear aligners are nearly invisible when worn by you. You can remove your clear aligners for cleaning and eating food, which provides you with a more easygoing option.
    Pros: Invisible, removable for eating and cleaning.
    Cons: It requires discipline and may not be suitable for severe cases.
    These transparent aligners are almost invisible when you wear them, and you can remove them for eating food and cleaning, offering convenience. The wear time for a clear aligner is 22 hours, which you need to follow with discipline to achieve desired results.
    Every type has different pros and cons, so discussing with your dentist is important to see which option suits your needs.
    Options like lingual braces (placed on the back of teeth) and self-ligating braces (using a sliding technique to hold the wire) are also present for your specific treatment needs.

What factors influence the teeth braces price?

The cost of teeth braces can be influenced by a few things. The type of teeth braces you pick, like metal, ceramic, or clear aligners, plays a big part in how much you'll pay. How complex your dental issues are and how long you need treatment can also change the prices of teeth braces. Where you go for teeth braces treatment and the experience of your dentist might change the cost of your teeth braces, too. Your insurance coverage and any extra treatments needed can add to your overall expenses.

What do theeth braces price ?

Metal braces are usually the most affordable, ranging from around INR 30,000 to 50,000. Less noticeable ceramic braces can cost a bit more, typically between INR 40,000 to 60,000. If you opt for clear braces for a more discreet look, you're looking at a higher cost, around INR 60,000 to 150,000. It's important to consider both the financial and long-term benefits of investing in your smile.

What is the age limit of getting dental Braces ?

There isn't a specific age limit for getting teeth braces. Both teenagers and adults can benefit from dental treatment to improve their oral health and smile. The decision to get braces is based more on the condition of your teeth and jaw than on age. It's best to consult with your dentist, who can consider your specific dental needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

How can you take care of your dental braces?

Brush your teeth after every meal and before bedtime. Use a soft bristle toothbrush and brush gently around the brackets and wires.

You should floss daily to remove food particles stuck between your teeth and braces. You can use special floss threaders or interdental brushes to make flossing easier.

You can avoid eating sticky and hard foods, which can damage your braces. Cut hard fruits and vegetables into small pieces to prevent damage.

Attend all scheduled appointments for adjustments and check-ups.

Use dental wax to ease any discomfort from wires or brackets rubbing against the inside of your cheeks or gums.

You should stay hydrated and drink plenty of water to help wash away food left inside your mouth and keep your mouth clean.

By following these tips and maintaining good oral health, you can help ensure the success of your teeth braces treatment and keep your teeth braces in good condition.

What ar the drawbacks of theeth braces ?

1. Treatment Time: Braces typically need 1 to 3 years, which may be longer than some expect.

2. Discomfort: Braces can be uncomfortable and can cause soreness after adjustments.

3. Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene with braces can be more difficult due to the brackets and wires.

4. Diet: Certain foods, like sticky or hard food, may need to be avoided to prevent wear and tear of the braces.

5. Speech Changes: Few people may undergo temporary speech changes.

Before and after teeth braces. The dentist has corrected the gap between the teeth (midline diastema) and flaring with the help of ceramic braces to give the patient his dream smile.

Teeth Before and After Braces

 teeth before and after braces


Teeth braces are used to correct your crooked teeth and improve your bite and oral health. Brackets, wires and bands are part of teeth braces. These braces apply gentle pressure to move your teeth in the functional and desired position. Teeth braces help correct different issues related to the alignment of teeth, like crooked teeth, overcrowding, and bite problems, leading to a better smile and improved oral health. When you decide to get braces, it involves a visit to the dentist, a treatment plan, attachment of brackets, placement of archwires, regular adjustments, and eventually retainers to maintain the results. It's important to consult with your dentist to determine the most suitable type of braces for your needs and goals.