
Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is a commonly performed procedure by the dentist. There could be many reasons to extract teeth, like if the tooth is severely decayed or painful and can't be restored.

There are two types of extraction:

Simple Tooth Extraction:

It is a type of dental procedure in which a tooth is removed without surgical intervention. These simple tools are used to remove the tooth that lies above the gumline.

Surgical Tooth Extraction:

When the tooth is located in an accessible area, the gums and jaw bone are cut to remove the deeply embedded tooth. Hence, called surgical extraction.

E.g. Third molar tooth extraction.

Dentist may recommend to remove teeth for the following reasons:

Grossly Decayed tooth:

When a tooth cannot be saved with a filling or root canal, then removing the tooth might be the best option.

Crowding of teeth:

Your orthodontist may remove a few teeth to create space for proper alignment of the remaining teeth.

Un-erupted or painful Wisdom Tooth:

The third molars often emerge improperly in the mouth. It causes pain and infection or may sometimes damage the neighbouring teeth.

Gum Diseases:

Swelling and infection in the gums can weaken the tooth's supporting structures. So, tooth extraction is necessary to preserve overall oral health.

Fractured Tooth:

When a tooth is damaged beyond repair, it must be removed to prevent further problems.

What is wisdom tooth extraction surgery?

The most commonly removed tooth in the mouth is the third molar. It is also called a wisdom tooth. It generally erupts between the ages of 17 years to 33 years. 33% of the population in the world is born without wisdom teeth buds.

Due to less space at the back of the mouth, third molar tooth tends to erupt irregularly. It may wholly or partly erupt because of less space. This leads to severe pain and swelling around that space. At times, infection may also occur.

Hence, dentists suggest you get rid of the tooth. To remove a wisdom tooth, a side-chair surgery is done. It is different from other tooth extraction. Sometimes, the gum tissue above the wisdom tooth is cut to access the deeply embedded tooth.

Early symptoms of wisdom tooth coming in:

  • You may experience bleeding or tender gums.
  • Swelling of the gums is commonly seen.
  • Frequent pain in the jaws.
  • Unpleasant taste in your mouth;
  • You may experience difficulty in opening and closing your mouth.
  • Mild fever.
  • Your food may get stuck in the gums around the third molar teeth and later become painful.

What is the wisdom teeth removal cost?

The cost of wisdom tooth removal may cost you around Rs 2000 to Rs20,000 per tooth. It depends upon the following factors:

The complexity of the case:

It depends upon the difficulty level of extraction. If the tooth lies deep inside the bone, it may take more time and effort to remove it.

Cost of anaesthesia:

Your dentist will decide whether general or local anaesthesia is required based on your needs. The cost of general anaesthesia is more than local anesthesia.

Why is it necessary to Extract wisdom teeth?

In many patients, this tooth usually erupts like other teeth. But if it causes pain, swelling and infection, consider removing it.

Third molars significantly do not contribute to daily routine like chewing and speaking. So, replacing it after extraction it is not a concern.

Procedure of wisdom tooth extraction

Pre-extraction preparations:

Oral Examination

Your dentist will examine the third molar and take x-rays to check the tooth's position in the jaws and bone health. 3D scans also analyze the tooth structure and surrounding tooth structures.

Treatment Plan

After the check-up, your dentist will discuss the procedure, precautions and after-care.

Pre-Operative Instructions:

Follow the fasting guidelines given by your dentist.

For local Anaesthesia- Always eat an hour before tooth extraction to maintain energy levels during the procedure.

For General Anaesthesia- Do Not Eat for a specific period of time prior to surgery.

Discuss your general health and medications with your dentist. Inform them about any lifestyle diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, heart issues, and kidney and liver problems.

Stop blood-thinning medicines a week before the day of surgery.

Notify your dentist about allergies and medications that you can’t tolerate.

Step-by-step process of tooth extraction:

This procedure is performed by a specialist called oral surgeon. They are experts in complex tooth removal procedures.


Before starting the treatment, your dentist will numb the teeth and surrounding region to make the process painless.

Incision (Cut):

If the wisdom tooth is impacted (not fully erupted), the oral surgeon may cut the gum tissue to access the tooth.

Bone Removal:

Sometimes, a small amount of bone surrounding the tooth is removed to facilitate the tooth extraction. It is only done if the bone around the tooth is thick.


The tooth is carefully loosened from its socket using specialized instruments. This eases the process.

Tooth Removal:

The tooth is extracted. For difficult-to-remove teeth, the tooth may be cut into smaller pieces to make removal easier.

Cleaning the Site:

The extraction site is cleaned and debris is removed to reduce the risk of infection.

Post-extraction care and recovery

Stitches: If a cut was made, stitches (sutures) may be used to close the gum tissue. These may dissolve in the mouth after 7-8 days, or your dentist will remove them.

How long does it take for anesthesia to wear off?

It may take about an hour for numbness to wear off.

Importance of blood clot formation

Blood clot formation immediately begins after tooth removal. The significance of the blood clot is that it initiates healing at the extraction site. It is mandatory to maintain it and prevent dislodgment, or else it may delay healing.

Precautions to be taken after tooth extraction:

You will receive detailed instructions on how to care for the extraction site, manage pain, and handle swelling. Common recommendations include:

Bite on Cotton:

Your dentist will place a cotton gauge in the same place to stabilize the bleeding. Apply gentle pressure with gauze to help stop bleeding. Throw the cotton after an hour and have cold milk or ice cream to relieve discomfort.

Avoid Spitting:

Do not spit saliva or blood to avoid dislodgment of blood clots. Avoid spitting for the next 24 hours. After 24 hours, gently rinse with salt water after every meal.

Pain Management:

Use pain relievers prescribed as directed. Pain lasts for two to three days.

Swelling Control:

You may experience swelling afterwards, which is normal. It usually subsides within two to three days. Apply ice packs to the face to minimize swelling. Your dentist shall prescribe you medication to manage pain and swelling.


Stick to soft foods and avoid hot, spicy, or hard foods that could irritate the site. Include adequate protein in your diet to speed up the healing process.

Do not eat food and beverages that are too hot or cold. It may cause discomfort and sensitivity.

Oral Hygiene:

Avoid brushing the extraction site for the first 24 hours. After that, gently brush your teeth and use a saltwater rinse to keep the area clean. Saltwater prevents bacterial growth.

Do not poke the toothbrush or toothpicks in the empty extraction socket.

Avoid Smoking:

Refrain from smoking or using straws because suction can dislodge the blood clot. Displaced blood clot leads to delayed healing. Do not eat tobacco, as it can irritate the healing site.

After how long will you be able to eat?

You can eat after one hour of the tooth extraction. Have soft, bland and normal temperature food. Make sure that food does not deposit in the empty extraction socket.

How do you feel after tooth extraction?

After tooth extraction, you may experience pain, swelling, discomfort or even slight bleeding. All this may subside by the next 24-48 hours. It is normal and is manageable with the dentist’s instructions and medications.

Take rest for the next 48-72 hours. Avoid strenuous activities.

Drink plenty of water and fluids and have a healthy diet to recover fast.

When to look for the dentist?

If pain and bleeding do not stop within the next 24 to 36 hours, immediately report it to your dentist.

If you experience bad breath or a foul smell from your mouth despite cleaning it. There are chances of improper recovery.

If numbness doesn't go away even after one to two hours after the procedure.

If you experience bad metallic taste in mouth after 3 days of surgery.

How can recovery be sped up after tooth extraction?

Follow the guidelines given by your dentist.

Take prescribed medications such as antibiotics, painkillers and supplements.

Since wisdom tooth extraction may be exhausting, rest properly.

Prioritize your diet, as it plays an important role in speedy recovery. Avoid junk food for the next week.


Tooth extraction is frequently required because of extensive decay, crowding, or impacted wisdom teeth. It can help you heal faster if you understand the distinctions between basic and surgical extractions and take the right care of yourself afterward. Healing will occur more quickly if you follow your dentist's instructions and maintain proper oral hygiene. See your dentist for the finest recommendations for your dental needs if you have questions or concerns regarding tooth extractions.