bps dentures

Why BPS Dentures Are a Top Choice for Comfort and Durability

  • Sep 10, 2024


BPS stands for 'Biofunctional Prosthetic System'. BPS dentures have been designed using highly durable and good-quality raw materials. BPS Dentures are very comfortable to wear, and these are known for their superior fitting properties. BPS dentures are manufactured in a way that provides efficient aesthetics and function.

As people age, they often need dentures to replace their missing teeth. For senior citizens, BPS dentures are a great choice of treatment as they are made of superior quality material. To get reassured about BPS dentures, you can always consult your dentist, get your case diagnosed, and learn about your entire treatment process with BPS dentures.

Difference between BPS Dentures and regular dentures

Conventional and poor-quality dentures do not stay stable for a long duration and might shrink. This makes regular dentures uncomfortable to use, while the BPS dentures have been made using the latest technological advancements and have proven to be of much higher quality.

Advantages of BPS Dentures


It improves the appearance of patients who have missing teeth as it replaces those gaps and beautifies the smile.


Since teeth get replaced by BPS dentures, patients can chew food well with their help. This maintains the functions of the teeth and both the jaws.


Patients experience greater comfort while wearing dentures.

Flexibility and strength

Since the BPS dentures are made of very fine quality materials, they are very flexible and strong. It can be worn effortlessly for long hours without the fear of getting damaged or shrunk.

Long shelf life

Their quality increases the durability of the denture base. It requires no special care for its maintenance, and it can last very long for up to 8 - 10 years.

Good oral health and cleanliness

BPS dentures allow for good oral health and do not cause any kind of side effects or unwanted reactions to the body or oral cavity.

Excellent fit

BPS dentures fit very well into the patient's mouth.

Treatment steps of BPS dentures

Initial impression

After the treatment plan for BPS dentures gets confirmed, in the 1st visit, an initial measurement is taken of the upper and lower arches of the patient.

Primary jaw registration

Then the bite is registered by the dentist, and that gets transferred to a dental laboratory so that the concerned dental technicians can start with the diagnostic model for the further steps.

Functional impression

After the model is designed in the laboratory, the patient is recalled in the clinic, a second measurement is taken, and a new bite is recorded. This process mostly checks the movements of the jaws while chewing, speaking and performing other necessary functions with the help of the teeth.

Denture fabrication

After the secondary impression is taken by the dentist, the measurements and the recorded bite are again sent to the laboratory to make the wax-up design in which teeth are set in the laboratory. The most preferred teeth shade, shape, and size are used to fabricate a trial denture for the patient.

Wax try-in

Once the teeth are set, the patient is recalled again for a follow-up so that the design can be put in the patient's mouth and the fit and functionality can be checked. This session is just about ensuring every minor detail. If any adjustments need to be made, the instructions are sent to the laboratory so that the necessary changes can be made, and the BPS denture can be fabricated. After everything is confirmed mutually by the patient and the dentist, the model is sent to the dental laboratory for the fabrication of the BPS denture base.

Denture base fabrication

The denture base is finally then made in the laboratory using the BPS design and material. It uses one of the most superior quality materials for the process and this results in a great fit and glossy finish of the final dentures.

Denture placement

The patient is called for the last visit, and the denture is placed in the patient's mouth. All the required instructions for denture maintenance are given to the patient.

Method of cleaning BPS Dentures

You can follow these steps to clean the BPS dentures:

  • Remove your dentures carefully from your mouth.

  • Rinse the dentures under lukewarm water so that the food particles can be cleared from the denture.

  • Soak the dentures in a denture-cleaning solution. Ensure that the cleaner is not too abrasive, or it may damage the dentures.

  • Use a soft-bristled brush to clean the BPS denture.

  • After brushing, rinse the dentures thoroughly with water, especially at night, air dry it, and then store it in a clean container.

Daily cleaning helps maintain hygiene and increases the life of the dentures.

Cost of BPS Dentures

The cost of BPS dentures can range from INR 65,000 to INR 1,00,000. It varies depending on multiple factors, such as the dentist's skill, the clinic's location, the laboratory involved, and the case's complexity. BPS dentures, in general, take multiple visits and follow-ups to complete. Dental clinics also collaborate with insurance companies and help patients pay for installments as EMI during every follow-up visit.


In conclusion, BPS dentures offer a high-quality, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing solution for replacing missing teeth. Their advanced design ensures superior fit and durability, making them a worthwhile investment for those seeking long-lasting, reliable dentures. Consulting with your dentist to understand the benefits of BPS dentures and determine if they are the right choice for you.