root canal treatment cost-in-chennai

Root Canal Treatment Costs in Chennai: Key Factors and Management

  • Sep 10, 2024

Root Canal Treatment is one of the most commonly performed dental treatments across all age groups. Dental treatments are considered expensive. However, it is important to note that there is a huge difference between the costs of different dental treatments. Even a single type of dental treatment would differ in cost across the dental clinics.

In a similar way, root canal treatment costs differ in different parts of Chennai. Let us find out the reasons behind the varying costs of Root Canal Treatment in Chennai.

In today's day and age, finding anyone with a perfect dental status is difficult. Almost everyone has some dental issue. Dental caries or cavities is a familiar term for every household.

However, when it comes to treating cavities, the treatment is not always simple. If you are lucky, you will notice your dental caries before they get severe. In this case, the treatment is quite easy, and it can be received at a low price. For caries that get detected at an early stage, a dental filling is usually sufficient. The decayed tooth structure is carefully removed, and the tooth is restored using a filling material. But what if you fail to notice your dental caries at an initial stage?

Continuous dental decay eats up the healthy tooth. The decay reaches the middle portion of the tooth, also known as the tooth nerve or middle portion of the tooth. Once the decay reaches the nerves, it can no longer be treated with the help of tooth filling. At this stage, Root Canal Treatment is performed.

In the Root Canal Treatment, the decayed tooth structure is removed. Once the Dentist reaches the inside of the tooth, the infected nerves, also known as the Dental Pulp, are removed. The Dentist uses special instruments to perform this procedure. It is commonly done in multiple appointments. Each appointment can take approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour.

During the procedure, the infected pulp is removed. The pulp is then replaced with a fake nerve. After filling the tooth with the fake nerve, the lost tooth structure is restored using a filling material. Once the restoration is done, the tooth structure is reduced to make space for the Dental Crown or Cap.

Dental impressions are taken. This acts as a measurement for making the Dental Crown. Once the impressions are taken, they are sent to the Dental Lab.

The Dental Lab makes the Dental Crown and delivers it to the Dentist. The Dentist then checks the dental crown. If everything seems okay, the Dentist cements the dental crown onto the patient's teeth.

Massive removal of tooth structure during a Root Canal Treatment tends to weaken the tooth structure, which increases the chances of a tooth fracture. It is important to restore the strength of the tooth. Placing a Dental Crown provides the necessary strength to the tooth.

Explore the Benefits of a Root Canal Treatment:

1 - Restores Bite:

The complete procedure of treating the decayed tooth with Root Canal Treatment and restoring it with a Dental Crown restores the bite of the patient.

2 - Saves Tooth:

Dental decay tends to increase more and more with time. Performing root canal treatment halts the decay, preventing the eventual loss of teeth.

3 - Prevents the Spread of Infection:

There is a chance that a tooth infection can spread into the surrounding tissues, infecting the bones and gums. Root Canal Treatment halts this spread of infection.

4 - Restores Aesthetics:

Severe tooth decay or traumatic tooth with a dead pulp has discolouration, which hampers the look of a patient. Root Canal Treatment removes the dental decay and restores it with a Dental Crown. The Dental Crown restores the look of the patient's smile.

Why Root Canal Treatment is Performed:

1 - Decayed Tooth:

Cavities that are not deep require a filling to fix them. However, where there is an extensive cavity that extends down to the pulp, it needs Root Canal Treatment.

2 - Broken or Fractured Tooth:

Dental trauma is a normal part of life experienced by millions of people. Generally, the deep tooth cracks involve pulp and, thus, require Root Canal Treatment.

3 - Tooth Injury:

On other occasions, the tooth injury results in the death of the pulp. This results in staining or discolouration of the teeth, which may be blackish or bluish at times.

Factors Affecting the Root Canal Treatment Cost in Chennai:

1 - Severity of the Infection:

Some cases may require several sittings to treat, so the patients are charged more.

2 - Location & Structure of the Tooth:

Some of the teeth are hard to clean or attend to due to their position in the mouth. Sometimes, the structure of the tooth is very complicated, and such a case requires the attention of a specialist. It is worth noting that Endodontic surgery or root canal treatment costs more because a specialist does it.

3 - Additional Dental Procedures:

Often, if a patient requires several treatments in the dental office simultaneously, it will be more expensive. In some cases, the fees for a dental crown can also be included in the fees for root canal treatment.

4 – Dentist's Experience:

It is understood that senior dentists with a lot of experience in effectively performing Root Canal Treatments will charge more money. Sometimes, you may decide to go to a senior Dentist for Root Canal Treatment, and the chances of success are very high.

5 – Locality of the Dental Clinic:

It is noticeable that the Dental clinics are situated in posh areas where everything is costly, and their charges are also high.

Average Cost of Root Canal Treatment in Chennai:

The cost of Root Canal Treatment in Chennai may vary depending on the location of the clinic and the type of material selected for the crown. It can fall under the range of INR 5000 - INR 10,000.

Payment Options for Root Canal Treatment in Chennai:

It is important to speak to your Dentist about payment facilities. Payment for Root Canal Treatment can be made in multiple instalments. Also, it is very rare for you to get dental insurance in India. But you can always request discounts from your Dentist, and he or she will be happy to give you a discount if they are running one.

Best Dental Clinic for Root Canal Treatment in Chennai:

First of all, it is necessary to select a dental clinic that has high rates of successful root canal treatment. A well-equipped dental clinic is more effective in performing complex treatments for dental conditions. They can also provide the best safe and sterile environment to the patient compared to other facilities.


You may have a notion that a Root Canal Treatment is costly and painful. However, with modern methods, root canal treatment is usually a comfortable dental treatment. The benefits by far outweigh the amount you pay for it.