teeth whitening cost

Understanding the teeth whitening cost

  • Aug 27, 2024

In this blog, we will discuss teeth whitening process in short, teeth whitening cost and how you can manage the teeth whitening cost.

A General Idea About Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening has become a trend due to many changes in the world when it comes to one's appearance because of social media and people's desire to get a brighter smile and a good look. Teeth whitening comes under cosmetic dental procedures done to improve one's appearance and give him or her confidence. As the name suggests, teeth whitening is nothing new; just whitening the colour of your natural teeth by a shade or two to get a bright smile.

Let's Begin With a Discussion of How Your Teeth Whitening Treatment Will Go Through

The very important step to take in your treatment is to visit your dentist. Finding the right dentist for you is vital. Many dentists are available to choose from to perform this procedure.

After you choose your dentist, your dentist will check your overall oral health and the condition of your mouth. Then, the dentist will decide the right path for you to take for teeth whitening. The dentist will discuss multiple options available for teeth whitening present and give you a treatment plan based on your needs and the dentist's consultation.

The cost of your consultation, which is checkup fees, ranges from INR 500 to 1000.

Next, we discuss the types of teeth whitening procedures available with detailed descriptions, average costs, duration of treatment, and the number of sessions needed for the treatment.

Treatment Type Description Average Cost Range Duration and Number of Sessions
Laser Whitening Involves applying a whitening gel to teeth, which is then activated by a laser for effective and quick results. ₹15,000 - ₹30,000 per session Typically, 60 to 90 minutes per session; additional sessions may be required based on staining severity.
Zoom Whitening Uses a special light to enhance the whitening gel's effects for noticeable results in a shorter time. ₹12,000 - ₹25,000 per session Usually completed in one session lasting 45 to 60 minutes.
Other Advanced Whitening Techniques Includes methods using different technologies or agents. ₹15,000 - ₹30,000 depending on the technique It differs by technique; typically, one session.

We Will Speak More in Detail About In-Office Whitening

The cost range of this treatment is INR 12,000 to 30,000 per session. Now, the cost range keeps changing based on the treatment technique used and the location of the dental clinic.

Other factors come, like

  • Extra Costs: When your treatment needs extra sessions of teeth whitening, this can range from INR 8,000 to 20,000 each.

  • Custom Whitening Trays: When you want to be extra cautious, these trays are made to get treatment done at home when needed. These custom whitening trays range from INR 3,000 to 7,000.

  • Follow-up Treatment: Maintenance checkups and sessions are also planned to keep follow-ups, which costs from INR 5,000 to 15,000 per session.

Included and Excluded Costs

The first figure given by your dentist can only be used for primary treatment for your teeth whitening session. This is the reason why you need to be clear with your dentist about what is included in the cost of your treatment and what is not included or excluded from the treatment plan. There are also products available to maintain the results of teeth whitening treatment, which can be added to your extra costs.

The Factors Which Determine the Cost of Teeth Whitening

  • Degree of Stains: The extent of discolouration of your tooth is noted as the grade of stain in the dental field. This grade of stains is defined as grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3. The severity of the stain will decide the cost of your teeth whitening procedure.

  • Location of the Clinic: Developed and undeveloped cities have different charges for teeth whitening. This affects the cost of your teeth whitening procedure.

  • Your Dentist’s Skills and Experience: The experience and skill level of your dentist will also influence the price of the treatment.


It is very rare to get insurance on cosmetic dental treatment, but you can ask your insurance advisor once for confirmation of any policies. There are a few other options, like payment plans and pay-per-session, which you can use; you can ask your dentist directly before starting the treatment to avoid confusion later.

Results and Longevity

The results of teeth whitening last between 6 months to 2 years, depending on the care you take by avoiding substances which can cause your teeth to stain and having a good oral hygiene routine.

Regular checkups and maintenance are needed for touch-ups so that teeth whitening results will last longer.


The teeth whitening ranges from INR 12,000 to 30,000. You can get the checkup done by your dentist to get the accurate cost of your teeth whitening treatment. There are two to three options available, like laser teeth whitening, zoom teeth whitening, and many other products. The teeth whitening lasts from 6 months to 2 years if proper care is taken. You can go for touch-up sessions with your dentist to get it modified from time to time.