root canal treatment cost

Root Canal Treatment Cost and Benefits

  • Aug 27, 2024

Root Canal Treatment is a savior for decayed teeth. This procedure has evolved and become more efficient than before. Let's understand the importance of the procedure and how it can become a worthwhile investment for you.

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

Root Canal Treatment is a commonly performed dental procedure to save decayed teeth. It is informally called RCT. In dental terms, it is known as Endodontic treatment.

RCT:In this, the damaged and infected pulp inside the tooth is removed, canals are disinfected and replaced with medicated artificial nerves, and the pulp is finally sealed.

An Endodontist is a specialist who performs Root Canal treatments and other tooth fillings.

Importance of Understanding Costs: Why knowing the cost is crucial before the procedure

It is important to understand the price of the treatment before the procedure begins, to avoid any extra financial burden and to make an informed decision. Transparency on the cost aspect helps the patient to form trust in the dentist and leads to a stress-free and comfortable experience.

Who Needs Root Canal Treatment?

If you experience the following issues, RCT is the solution for you. Always consult your dentist to understand the problems and the treatment plan.

Pyramid showing when a root canal treatment is needed

Let’s understand the cost of Root Canal Treatment in India?

The cost of root canal treatment depends on the location and complexity of the case. The cost of the treatment also depends on the cost of living in that city.

Root canal treatment cost in Delhi

The price of the treatment varies from ₹5,000 to ₹12,000.

Root canal treatment cost in Kolkata

The cost of treatment is lower here which ranges between ₹4,000 to ₹10,000.

Root canal treatment cost in Bangalore

The cost ranges from ₹6,000 to ₹11,000 range.

Root canal treatment cost in Chennai

The cost of treatment ranges between ₹6,000 to ₹11,000 according to the moderate cost of living.

Root canal treatment cost in Pune

The price of root canal treatment ranges between ₹5,000 to ₹9,000.

Root canal treatment cost in Mumbai

The price generally ranges between ₹5,000 to ₹12,000, because of the higher cost of living and advanced dental facilities.

Root canal treatment cost in Hyderabad

The cost of treatment ranges between ₹5,000 and ₹10,000.

Factors Affecting RCT Cost

Location of the Clinic

Clinics in the metropolitan area offer you the latest treatments with high-end facilities. Clinics in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, and many other cities have well-trained staff who can comfort and guide you throughout your dental journey. There is also regional price variation which impacts cost, so knowing the local price avoids unexpected expenses and helps in planning better.

Additional Tooth Cap Cost

A cap should be placed above the treated tooth. It is also called a Dental Crown; it adds strength to the tooth and protects it from further damage and infection. Additional cap and X-rays are necessary during root canal treatment.

Expertise of the Dentist

A general dentist can handle routine procedures and basic care. An endodontist, who specializes in complex root canal treatments, may be required for severe dental problems due to their advanced training.

Complexity of the Case

The number of canals and tooth condition affects the complexity of the case. Single canal treatment is simpler compared to multiple canal tooth treatment. The complexity also depends on how deep the cavity is.

Type of Tooth

The cost of treatment differs for front teeth and back teeth. Front teeth have a single root, making them simpler to treat, while back teeth have multiple roots and canals, which makes the treatment more time-consuming and complex.

Latest Advancements in the Procedure

3D Imaging or CBCT

Dentists now use 3D imaging called CBCT (Cone-Beam Computed Tomography) to understand the internal structure of teeth. This technique takes less than 30 seconds, reduces radiation exposure compared to other X-rays, and provides more accurate and precise images. It is slightly more expensive than other imaging techniques.

Nickel Titanium Instruments

Nickel Titanium (Ni-Ti) instruments are the latest tools used to clean and prepare root canals. These motor-driven instruments are more efficient and precise compared to traditional instruments, making them more expensive.

Bio Ceramic Sealers

Bio Ceramic Sealers are advanced sealing materials that perfectly obturate the root canals and prevent further infection. These premium materials have recently gained popularity.

Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy

The pulp in the root canals can regenerate with the help of stem cells. Regenerative techniques can restore inflamed and damaged pulp. Your endodontist will determine the procedure and cost for you.

Why Might a Root Canal Be More Cost-Effective Than Extraction and Replacement?

Root canal treatments aim to preserve natural tooth integrity, which no artificial tooth replacements can match. Preserving natural teeth maintains facial muscle engagement, natural bite, and alignment. Missing teeth can lead to bite issues and shifting of adjacent teeth.

Tips to Reduce Root Canal Treatment Costs

  • Regularly visit your dentist.
  • Get professional teeth cleaning performed twice a year to remove plaque and tartar.
  • Address minor tooth decay at early stages.
  • Ask for promotional discounts and offers.
  • Check with your dental insurance company for potential savings.

Neglecting oral care can lead to gum issues and cavities. Regular dental check-ups and routine cleaning can prevent the need for extensive dental work. Prioritize oral health to save money and enhance overall well-being.