clear aligners before and after

Clear Aligners Before and After Showcase

  • Aug 01, 2024

Clear Aligners are a modern form of orthodontic treatment used to align crooked teeth. The aligners are transparent plastic trays, making them the best option for a discreet and comfortable treatment plan. They are custom-made trays that move the teeth to the desired position.

Clear aligners

They are transparent plastic trays that align the crooked teeth. Unlike metal braces, which have brackets and wires, aligners are a series of custom-made trays that fit on the teeth easily and provide a discreet treatment option. Invisible aligners are suited for mild to moderate cases of crooked teeth.

Benefits of clear aligners

Aesthetic pleasing-

One of the main reasons for opting for clear aligners is their invisible and transparent appearance. The plastic trays give proper pressure on the tooth, which moves the teeth to a desired position without getting noticed.


Clear aligners are more comfortable as compared to metal braces. The smooth plastic would not cause any irritation to the teeth and gums. As these aligners are removable, you can remove them while having meals, drinking tea or brushing, avoiding diet restriction or breakage of the aligners.

Predictable result-

Advanced digital technology and the use of scans by the dentist provide a 3D model, which helps the dentist make a precise treatment plan and can provide you with a visual graphic of the expected result from the treatment.

Reduced treatment time-

Clear aligners provide results with less clinic visits and time duration. While the duration might depend on the case complexity and the teeth' movement, aligners require fewer visits to your dentist for adjustment.

How do clear aligners work

Clear aligners use a series of clear trays to straighten the teeth with advanced technology.


On your first visit to the dentist, he examines the teeth and mouth and explains the options and goals of the treatment plan. This step includes taking a digital scan or impression of the teeth, which provides the 3D model.

Creating a plan-

Once the 3D model is made from the digital scan or impression taken of the patient, proper planning is done to achieve a precise outcome. These plans provide the design of a series of aligners that bring about movement of the teeth for the desired result. This provides a graphic presentation of the treatment plan, which gives you an idea of what to expect at the end of the treatment.

Wearing aligners-

According to the treatment plan finalized by the dentist, a series of aligners are provided to you. These aligners must be worn as directed by the dentist. You should wear the aligners for 20-22 hours a day and remove them only during meals and brushing.

When to use clear aligners

There is a range of conditions that can be treated with clear aligners

Mild to moderate crooked teeth- Teeth that are slightly misaligned or uneven.

Small gaps between teeth- Teeth that have small space between them.

Minor crowding issue- Used to align teeth that overlap less with each other.

Minor bite issues- It can work for cases were the upper teeth and lower teeth

Less noticeable treatment need- As aligners are transparent plastic trays, they give the liberty of discreet treatment options.

Before and After: Visual Results


A patient, age 32 years female, came into the clinic with diastema, a gap between the upper front teeth. The patient was concerned with the gap as it was affecting her smile. She wanted to get it corrected for both aesthetic and functional aspects.

The before photo shows diastema between the upper front tooth. The gap was noticeable and affected the smile and self-esteem of the patient.

The after photo shows the gap was closed between the upper front teeth. Resulting in achieving her dream smile with the help of the clear aligners.


A patient age 34 years male came into the clinic with mild spacing in upper front teeth. The patient was concerned with his looks and found difficulty in maintaining oral hygiene.

The before photo shows minor spacing in the upper front teeth. The space was affecting his smile and impacted oral hygiene.

The after photo shows closing of the spaces uniformly for the front teeth. Giving the patient a dream smile.

Factors Influencing Results

Wearing aligners- To get the effective results of the treatment, the aligners should be worn for 20-22 hours a day as directed by the dentist. Skipping wear time and not following the dentist's instructions delays the process and affects the outcome.

Complex case- Simple cases like mild crowding and spacing can be corrected with a few sets of aligners, whereas complex orthodontic cases need a longer duration of time for the treatment outcome.

Quality care: The skills and experience of your dentist play a major role in your treatment's outcome. Continuous follow-up is required to make sure no changes are needed. Expert care is required to get the desired result.


Clear aligners provide a modern and effective way to straighten teeth without getting noticed. Their design and technology offer many advantages like discreet treatment, comfort, and removal while eating and brushing.

The treatment process involves examination by the dentist, making a 3D model for the treatment plan and providing a visual presentation for a better understanding of the outcome.

Success with clear aligner treatment requires following the instructions of your dentist on wearing the aligners to get the desired outcome.